One of the keys to achieving a successful work-life balance is having great time-management skills. One way to do this is to have a daily schedule that allows you to fit in work, family, and leisure time. Also, keep in mind that you have to give yourself time off and a chance to recharge your batteries. Here are seven principles to help you find the balance you need. You can also take a vacation once in a while.
Employers must create work environments that support a healthy work-life balance. To do this, they must identify the support that employees need to achieve this. Although many policies may not be feasible in all circumstances, the following three general categories are considered central to an employee’s work-life balance: flexibility in working hours, care responsibilities, and time off for child care. In addition, employers should develop their human resources and promote an environment that is conducive to achieving work-life balance.
The principle of unity of command refers to the idea of a chain of supervisors from top to bottom. This principle outlines who is responsible for what, and how employees should be accountable to them. Another important principle is subordination of individual interests to the interest of the organization. While the organizational interest should always take priority, it will be rewarding for individuals as well. Lastly, the principle of authority and responsibility refers to balancing the rights to give commands and the obligations to perform tasks.
For more info visit leadership management course and developing leadership skills