5 Essential Tips for Teaching Kids to Fish

5 Essential Tips for Teaching Kids to Fish

The fresh air, the sound of rustling leaves, and the unforgettable experience of reeling in your first catch – all treasured memories that you can give to your children.

Enjoying the outdoors has become a lost art. However, even in the age of social media and smartphones, fishing continues to be a precious time for many families.

To help you empower your kids and teach them to fish, here are five essential tips:

Get The Right Equipment

Start by getting the right gear for the trip. Make sure to purchase a comfortable and secure life vest and extra fishing rods for kids. Additionally, pack basic equipment such as fishing lines, a tackle box, lures, clippers, and even a fishing net for easier catch and release. When preparing your gear, teach your little one what each piece of equipment is and why it is important to bring it along.

Find the Perfect Spot

When introducing your kids to fishing, it is important to give them a fun and rewarding experience. To do this, find a fishing spot that offers plenty of fish to catch. Additionally, consider the kind of fish available in the area. While challenging fish are the most rewarding to reel in, it is recommended that you start your kids easy.

Plan Your Day

Now that you have your gear and fishing spot, it is time to plan your day. Make sure to check the weather in the days leading up to your trip. Consider heading out early to make the most out of the daylight. Additionally, make sure to pack extra snacks and drinks to keep your little one happy.

Safety First

Young kids can be clumsy and accident-prone, especially around the water and tangled lines and lures. Make sure to keep your children under supervision. Additionally, consider getting them eye protection to safeguard against stray lures.

Be Hands-On

Last but certainly not least, feel free to be hands-on when teaching your kids the joys of fishing. Like with all new experiences, they may be anxious and clumsy at first. However, as long as you remain patient and involved, they will grow more confident throughout the learning process.


Taking your kids on their first fishing trip can be a way to connect them with nature and create lasting memories.  However, it requires the right gear, location, planning, safety precautions, patience, and plenty of hands-on guidance.

Looking for the best outdoor equipment for your next family trip? Check out Smart Marine, a leading provider of all things fishing, boating, camping, and more! Whether you are looking for premium fishing gear or motorhome covers in NZ, they have got you covered. Visit their website here to learn more.